Become a Samarth Company!

Companies who Are Empowered with Samarth Citizens*!

Empower your low-income workforce and gain recognition as a "Samarth Company" — a champion for empowerment and opportunity.

*Samarth Citizens are the workforce in any organisation who have their livelihoods enhanced through us!

DALL·E 2024-04-17 17.07.09 - A vibrant, text-free square image for a landing page showcasing an Indian low-income workforce in a modern office setting. The scene includes diverse

Eligibility Criteria

At Least 500 Workers

Your company should engage or employ at least 500 low-income workers, including gig workers, consultants, or direct employees.

Less Than 30k Monthly Income

Your company's workforce should have monthly earnings below Rs 30,000.

Willingness to Engage with the Workforce

To be eligible, the organization is expected to attend to suggested actions and present a comprehensive report.

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Workforce Empowerment Index

Participate in our one-time survey conducted via our WhatsApp Bot. This 24-hour questionnaire is designed to assess the empowerment levels of your workforce. We’ll compile the findings into the Workforce Empowerment Index to evaluate your organization.

An Initiative by: Saksham

Saksham Logo 1

This recognition is done by Saksham for both Job Seekers & Job Providers:

An initiative by TIFAC under the Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India, Saksham is the apex mission working towards ending unemployment in India. Saksham aims to recognize Samarth Citizens & Samarth Companies as a way to empower both and have them join this mission!

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Workforce Engagement

Your company should engage or employ at least 500 low-income workers, including gig workers, consultants, or direct employees, with monthly earnings below Rs 30,000.

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Workforce Empowerment Index

Participate in our one-time survey conducted via our WhatsApp Bot. This 24-hour questionnaire is designed to assess the empowerment levels of your workforce. We’ll compile the findings into the Workforce Empowerment Index to evaluate your organization.

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Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Eligibility requires a documented commitment to continuous improvement in workforce engagement and management practices. This includes ongoing training, upskilling initiatives, and regular reassessment of workforce strategies to enhance productivity and satisfaction among low-income employees.

Benefits of Becoming a Samarth Company!

Insightful Reporting

Receive a comprehensive report and leadership presentation detailing deep insights into your workforce dynamics, irrespective of certification status.

Branding and Recognition

Certified companies will be publicly recognized as preferred employers for low-income workforce, enhancing your attractiveness to potential employees.

Policy Influence

Gain a voice in policymaking discussions, with your needs and perspectives considered in proposals to government bodies.

Samarth Company Interest Form
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please enter the number of low-income workforce present in your organisation.